Introducing Podcast to your Classroom


Nowadays, it's usual for us as teachers to make use of technologic tools to help with our student's education. One of those tools is Podcasts. First of all, we need to know what is that and if it is really useful to use in a classroom.
“An audio podcast is like a recorded radio show that you can subscribe to using your favorite podcatcher or stream online. Think of it like talk radio on demand.” – Shake Up LearningTM
A podcast is as defined up there. It's a radio program, one that you can create and it involves a lot of work to make one worthy of listen to. Is it worth, you ask? Of course, it is! By creating a podcast for the use of your classroom or to make use of other's teachers podcast can increment the understanding of your students towards a specific subject. They can use it whenever and wherever. While riding on the bus, while doing their chores, the applications are infinite.

Here we are introduced to a way to incorporate them to our classroom:

The duration for them can be from 10 minutes to 50 minutes, depending on how you work the information and which kind of sound effects you use to not turn into a boring lesson.

Podcasts have many applications and as a teacher, you can start doing it now with the aid of many tutorials and guides that you can find also online. Make sure to create good experiences for your students and yourself.

Finally, we will be leaving you with a short tutorial to help you practice:

